Adult Exercise and Wellness Program 2022-2023
Our Adult Exercise program will be Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00 a.m. starting September 13,2022 and ending May 26, 2022. Collaborating with the OSU Extension we will be having special programs on the benefits of eating healthy, drinking more water, exercise and much more.
October – The class has been working on stretching exercises and enjoying protein power bites.

November 14 – Liz McBee from the OSU office led the class in Tai-Chi.

November 29 – Denise was leading the class in stretching exercises. The discussed the importance of stretching before any type of physical activities.

The Adult Exercise class has been adding new stretching exercises and the OSU office has given a presentation on the value of eating whole grain foods.

Exercise class was all about the importance of stretching. Importance of healthy eating was discussed.