Adult Exercise and Wellness Program 23/24
The Adult Exercise Program will cover exercises and presentations of healthy foods to help manage obesity, heart, diabetes, and arthritis.
Classes will be held at the Beaver County Pioneer Library beginning Tuesday, September 26th at 10:00 a.m. and every Tuesday and Thursday each week at the same time. For more information call Beaver County Pioneer Library @ 580-625-3076. Denise Janko and/or Liz McBee instructors.
Free Classes made possible by a grant from the Oklahoma Department of Libraries and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
September 26th -Today was our first day of the Adult Health and Wellness exercise program. They worked on stretching and strengthening core muscles. The class is every Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00 a.m. everyone is welcome!! Hope to see some new faces at the next class.

October 10 – Denise Janko instructed the eight participants on their stretching and strengthening exercises. The group keeps growing and hopefully we will have a full house before the classes are over.

October 24 – Liz McBee, from the OSU Extension Office lead the group in their stretching and strengthening exercises. They were provided with bottled water and Oatmeal/Protein snacks. We were excited to have a full house today.

October 31 – Happy Halloween!! Today in the Adult Exercise class we had a witch (Liz McBee) for an instructor. They worked on balance, strengthening and stretching exercises. They enjoyed protein balls and water after class.

January 16 – Exercise class was led by Betty Davis in stretching and strengthening exercises. They worked on the neck, shoulders, arms, chest muscles, upper back, calves, ankles, hips and thighs. They finished the class with water and Protein and cranberry bites.
January 30 – Exercise class was led by Denise Janko in leg exercises. They worked on stretching and strengthening the muscles. After class they had water and protein bites.

Beaver County Pioneer Library Park
The Park is used for our Summer Reading Program and the Story Time children plant a container garden every year. Dana Helms was a presenter at one of our Summer Reading programs and Denise asked her if she would be interested in painting a Mural on one of the blank walls. After deciding on the design and getting enough donations, Dana and Rob spent a week in Beaver painting the awesome mural. While they were here, they fell in love with our community and would like to spend more time in Beaver and work on projects bringing in new ideas.

We received a grant in the amount of $1,500 from TCEC to go towards installing a pergola in the park. It will provide shade for the presenters during summer reading and the public will have access year round.

Summer Reading 2023

June 1st we began the Summer Reading Program with a great crowd of approximately 50 attending. The program was the “The Upside Down Artist – Dana Helms”. The weather was great, and all the children was given a lesson on creating their own drawing.

June 8th: Another great day of summer reading with the program theme of togetherness. the presenter was the “Mad Scientist” demonstrating how individuals can work together as a team. How individuals control robots. A demonstration on wind flow.

June 15th: The program was presented by the Beaver FIre Department, Game Warden, City Police Department, and the EMT’s. Very informative presentations and then the children got to check out the fire truck, police car and ambulance.

June 22nd: The program was moved to the Beaver fairgrounds due to the weather. Jordan Hilton brought in the animals, a kangaroo, a pony, a rabbit and a hen. The Pell children brought a baby goat. The theme of the program was kindness to animals.

Adult Exercise and Wellness Program 2022-2023
Our Adult Exercise program will be Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00 a.m. starting September 13,2022 and ending May 26, 2022. Collaborating with the OSU Extension we will be having special programs on the benefits of eating healthy, drinking more water, exercise and much more.
October – The class has been working on stretching exercises and enjoying protein power bites.

November 14 – Liz McBee from the OSU office led the class in Tai-Chi.

November 29 – Denise was leading the class in stretching exercises. The discussed the importance of stretching before any type of physical activities.

The Adult Exercise class has been adding new stretching exercises and the OSU office has given a presentation on the value of eating whole grain foods.

Exercise class was all about the importance of stretching. Importance of healthy eating was discussed.

Story Time 2022-2023

September 28, 2022 – First day of Story Time: the books read were “Biscuit visits the Pumpkin Patch” and “Five Little Pumpkins”. The Nursery Rhymes enjoyed were “Hey Diddle, Diddle” and “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe”. The craft was “Hello Fall – Bear”.

October 5, 2022 – Today at Story Time the color was orange, the Nursery Rhymes played was “One, Two Buckle my Shoe”, “Baa, Baa Black Sheep”, “Hey Diddle, Diddle”, the book read was “Owl Babies” and the craft was a fall football turkey. Everyone had a good time.

October 12th Story Time was about the color Red, circles, squares and apples. The books read were “Apple Picking Day” and “Apples”. The nursery rhymes sang were “Little Miss Muffet”, “Hey Diddle, Diddle” and “Baa, Baa Black Sheep”. The exercise was done using different colored flags and creating circles. The craft was creating apples. Everyone had a great time and received an apple for a snack.

October 26th It was Halloween day at Story Time. The color of the day was orange; shapes were circles, triangles, and square; numbers were one, two and three. Books were “Pumpkins”, “Mouse’s First Halloween”, and “Five Little Pumpkins”. Everyone had a great time.

November 2nd Today in Story Time we had Sherry Jenkins and Liz McBee as special guest. Sherry led them in 2 turkey songs, “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”, and the “Flag” song. Liz read “Roy the Responsible Rabbit” and talked to them about being responsible. The craft was a Welcome Fall” sign.

November 9th – We had 8 little ones at Story Time today. The songs they sang were “Big Fat Turkey”, “5 Turkeys”, “Itsy Bitsy Spider”, “Ride a Pony”, and “If you are Happy”. The nursery rhymes were “Hey Diddle, Diddle” and “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”. The books read were “Brown Bear” and “Scarecrow”.

December 6th – We had 9 little ones at Story Time today. The songs they sang were “Opposites”, “Be Happy” and “I’m a Nut”. The nursery rhyme was “Little Miss Muffet”. The book that was read was “The Gingerbread Boy”. They had lots of fun decorating mini gingerbread houses.

December 14 – Story Time today was about Christmas. The books read were “Christmas” and “Big Hungry Bear”, nursery rhyme “Little Miss Muffet”. They made Santa ornaments for their craft project. Everyone picked up their gingerbread houses from last week. Next week to continue with the Christmas theme they will be decorating sugar cookies and learning more about Christmas.

December 21 – Story Time continued the Christmas theme. Denise read “The Christmas Story” and then they moved a little to music. Their craft was decorating sugar cookies. We had seven children, two of which were babies attending their first of many Story Times.

January 4 – Story time started off the new year talking about colors, numbers, shapes and birds. They talked about their body features and what they were used for – eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. They sang several songs and finished the day off making a bird feeder out of pinecones, peanut butter and bird seeds.

January 11 – Story time was about winter, birds and snow. The nursery rhymes were “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, “Hey Diddle, Diddle” and “Little Miss Muffet”. The songs were “I’m a Nut” and “Wally Acha”. The Craft was a snowman’s face.

Story time Wednesday, Jan 25th – stories read were “Brown Bear” and “Three Little Kittens”. The nursery rhymes were “Little Miss Muffet” and “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”. The craft was making their own mitten ornament.

Story time was so fun today! The two books read were “If You Give a Cookie to a Mouse” and “Happy Valentine’s Mouse”. Denise with them on colors, shapes, counting, names, ages, addresses, months and days. They worked with play dough to help strengthen their fingers. The made valentine book markers.

March Story Time has been exciting reading about Dr. Seuss, sing and dancing to various nursery rhymes, studying colors, shapes and numbers. Various crafts have been created and enjoyed.

March 29 – Story Time was about Easter. The books were “Good Egg” and “Happy Easter Mouse”. Colors, shapes and opposites were gone over. The craft was decorating Easter cookies.

April 19th was our final day of Story Time, we planted vegetables out in the library’s park. They also went to the Beaver County Nursing Home and planted vegetables and flowers for the residence to enjoy.